PlantsvsZombiesRP Wikia

Team Cosmo is a group of troublemakers seen in PvZ : Vyruzz.


Team Cosmo first mentioned in Season 1, but debuted in Season 2 of the show, where the team notices a strange plant with a costume, emphasizing a big capital C. When asked, the strange plant reveals himself to be a Team Cosmo Grunt. From there, Team Cosmo is seen often.

Team Members[]

  • Team Cosmo Mastermind - Nebuletsis
  • Team Cosmo Leader - Kosmor
  • Team Cosmo Co-Leader - Neptune
  • Team Cosmo Admins - Constellar, Luna, Solvia, Starmy, Miwa
  • Team Cosmo Grunts - 100+
  • Team Cosmo Minions (Commanded by Admins)

Team Goal[]

Team Cosmo has one main goal. That goal is World Domination. They believe that the world is not going to get any better, so they want to work towards a new world order. Team Cosmo achieves this by doing evil acts to gain control.

