PlantsvsZombiesRP Wikia
Name Nickname Role Owner
Doubled Mint Reminton Main Protagonist Reap
Perfume-shroom Perfuma Ally Reap
Mushroom Ringleader N/A Ally Reap
Power Lily N/A Ally Fairy27 (Forums)
Poison Ivy N/A Minor antagonist Reap
Grimrose N/A ??? YammaYamer21 (Forums)
Wasabi Whip N/A Antagonist Reap
Cold Snapdragon N/A Ally

Chilly Bean BAM! (Forums)

Bean Counter N/A ??? Reap
Homing Thistle N/A Ally Fairy27 (Forums)
Snow Pea Congeal Anti-Hero Pumpkin Pro (Forums)
Basic Zombie N/A Minor character Pumpkin Pro (Forums)
Repeater N/A ??? TheO0032 (Forums)
Shroom Gang

Fungi (Red)

Spore (Orange)

Toad (Green)

Ally Bearjedi
Poison Oak N/A Ally YammaYamer21


Re-Peat Moss Father Ally Reap

(Forums) - Despite another user owning this character in the PvZRP Wiki, another user has it's ownership in the forums.
